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 past clanwars
mod date opponent typemaps score report result
TFC 06.05.2006 BHC League Openfire_lowgrens / Stowaway2 220:10 no.. WON
TFC 02.05.2006 -=TLO=- League Monkey & Bases 20:95 no.. Lost
TFC 25.04.2006 TLO Friendly 2fort / ss_nyx_ectfc 20:75 no.. Lost
TFC 24.04.2006 FFS Friendly of_low / stow2 130:180 no.. Draw
TFC 22.04.2006 Dr. League raiden3/monkey_l 60:80 no.. Lost
TFC 11.04.2006 IDK Friendly cz2/Raiden3 112:219 no.. Lost
TFC 10.04.2006 mQ League Destroy_l / Hollow 30:140 no.. Lost
TFC 03.04.2006 TLO Friendly Well, Bases2k3 110:145 no.. Lost
TFC 01.04.2006 monGz Friendly Stowaway2, Openfire (lowgrens) 260:20 no.. WON
TFC 28.03.2006 =|DMW|= League Schtop, Voltage_l 120:70 no.. WON
TFC 18.03.2006 -[VTF]- League Chimkey_l, Hellion 60:90 no.. Lost
TFC 11.03.2006 [En] League Well, Torch2 310:150 no.. WON
TFC 05.03.2006 -aF League Openfire (lgren), Raiden3 50:140 no.. Lost
TFC 18.02.2006 [BHC] League Monkey_l ,Mortality_l 200:20 no.. WON
TFC 18.02.2006 [~X~] League 2kfort5, Shutdown2 20:130 no.. Lost
TFC 11.02.2006 [@C] League Alchimy_l, Stowaway2 150:40 no.. WON
TFC 04.02.2006 =[IDK]= League shutdown2 / 2kfort5 270:10 no.. WON
TFC 19.11.2005 MLNW League stowaway2 / hellion 30:40 no.. Draw
TFC 12.11.2005 hS Friendly destroy_l / openfire_lowgrens 50:200 no.. Lost
TFC 07.11.2005 NdM League 2kfort5 / high_flag 50:250 no.. Lost
TFC 05.11.2005 -[VTF]- League monkey_l / raiden_l2 10:80 no.. Lost
TFC 25.10.2005 [-LMS-] League alchimmy_l2 / crossover2 60:280 no.. Lost
TFC 22.10.2005 otaku League shutdown2 / 2mesa3 50:190 no.. Lost
TFC 03.09.2005 LTD Friendly openfire_lowgrens / 2kfort4 60:110 no.. Lost
TFC 14.03.2005 Make Love Not War League Chimkey / Monkey 150:30 no.. WON
TFC 12.03.2005 Bounty Hunter Clan Friendly Voltage / Destroy 250:30 no.. WON
TFC 09.03.2005 Malevolent Monkees League alchimy_l2 / roasted_l 20:20 no.. Draw
TFC 07.03.2005 Retired Old Bastards League Warpath_L / Enclave 254:128 no.. WON
TFC 01.03.2005 weapons of the rebelion League Openfire_l / ss_nyx_etfcl 215:50 no.. WON
TFC 15.02.2005 ~X~ Friendly schtop/openfire_lowgrens 90:70 no.. WON
TFC 12.02.2005 CoFFin Krew Friendly monkey_l / destroy_l 60:30 no.. WON
TFC 09.02.2005 GaY et KompaGnie Friendly 2kfort4 / shutdown2 130:80 no.. WON
TFC 08.02.2005 xS League schtop/destroy_l 160:70 Yes WON
TFC 07.02.2005 The Lost Ones Friendly ss_nyx_ectfc/destroy_l 115:55 no.. WON
TFC 29.01.2005 [UKC] League 2kfort4/Firefortress 130:60 Yes WON
TFC 26.01.2005 untitled [-] League openfire_low/ss_nyx_l 130:45 no.. WON
TFC 25.01.2005 ^wotr^ Friendly bases2k3/openfire_lowgrens 265:50 no.. WON
TFC 24.01.2005 otaku Friendly 2kfort4/breach_l 70:90 no.. Lost
TFC 18.01.2005 Otaku Friendly destroy_l,roasted_l 150:0 no.. WON
TFC 10.01.2005 tJ~ League monkeydown_l/roasted_l 30:110 no.. Lost
TFC 21.12.2004 [CiC] Friendly destroy_l/openfire_lowgrens 150:30 no.. WON
TFC 07.12.2004 [ERA] Friendly oppose2k1_lowgrens/2fort 10:100 no.. Lost
TFC 06.12.2004 ~X~ League cz2/pipezone 301:424 no.. Lost
TFC 29.11.2004 [-lS-] Friendly oppose2k1_lowgrens, shutdown2 110:50 no.. WON
TFC 24.11.2004 [BHC] Friendly cz2/pipezone 527:211 no.. WON
TFC 23.11.2004 [D-walk] GTFL Cup 2fort/stowaway_r 120:180 no.. Lost
TFC 22.11.2004 [-21-] Friendly openfire_lowgrens/2kfort4 280:250 no.. WON
TFC 20.11.2004 -|7th|- League Fry_baked / Voltage 80:210 no.. Lost
TFC 10.11.2004 [TFH] League shutdown2/monkey_l 90:210 no.. Lost
TFC 08.11.2004 [r@ts] GTFL Cup bam/2fort 0:110 no.. Lost
TFC 07.11.2004 [TTL] GTFL Cup openfire_l/stowaway_r 150:180 no.. Lost
TFC 27.10.2004 otaku Friendly ss_nyx_ectfc, openfire_lowgrens 155:140 no.. WON
TFC 23.10.2004 [TR] Friendly shutdown2/mortality_l 170:130 no.. WON
TFC 19.10.2004 [ALK] Friendly monkey_l/stowaway2 170:40 no.. WON
TFC 12.10.2004 Astra Friendly chimkey_l/shutdown_l 80:30 no.. WON
TFC 11.10.2004 [FK] Friendly schtop/openfire_lowgrens 40:230 no.. Lost
TFC 09.10.2004 ~Xenomorphs~ Friendly well/openfire_low 90:60 no.. WON
TFC 04.10.2004 [ALK] Friendly openfire_low/well 280:50 no.. WON
TFC 28.09.2004 [~X~] Friendly 2kfort4/chimkey_l 140:40 no.. WON
TFC 10.08.2004 [-lS-] & [~X~] GTFL Cup murderball 120:109:6 no.. WON
TFC 27.07.2004 [-lS-] GTFL Cup basketball/pushball 197:122 no.. WON
TFC 27.07.2004 [-lS-] GTFL Cup hockeyfever/ukfootie 68:74 no.. Lost
TFC 07.07.2004 Mdc GTFL Cup basketball/pushball 298:109 no.. WON
TFC 07.07.2004 Mdc GTFL Cup hockeyfever/ukfootie 124:63 no.. WON
TFC 06.07.2004 ~X~ GTFL Cup hockeyfever/ukfootie 115:127 no.. Lost
TFC 29.06.2004 ~X~ GTFL Cup basketball/pushball 170:133 Yes WON
TFC 05.06.2004 [-lS-] Friendly ss_ny_l/shutdown2 50:210 no.. Lost
TFC 02.06.2004 =||TNG||= Friendly stowaway_r/2fort 90:30 no.. WON
TFC 01.06.2004 [sci] Friendly chimkey_l/openfire_lowgrens 230:170 no.. WON
TFC 31.05.2004 Otaku Friendly Bases2k3/openfire_lowgrens 250:90 no.. WON
TFC 04.05.2004 [HA] League monkey_l/openfire_lowgrens 40:190 no.. Lost
TFC 24.03.2004 FK GTFL monkey_l/openfire_lg 160:120 no.. WON
TFC 09.03.2004 TLM LTFL sigma/2mesa3 250:0 no.. WON
TFC 08.03.2004 Mystery GTFL well_now/openfire_lowgrens 50:380 no.. Lost
TFC 24.02.2004 TaM GTFL openfire_lowgrens/bases_r2 40:170 no.. Lost
TFC 23.02.2004 ~aD LTFL widow/shutdown2 70:70 no.. Draw
TFC 15.02.2004 dS Friendly push/dustbowl 180:120 no.. WON
TFC 14.02.2004 FK GTFL 2fort/monkey_l 30:150 no.. Lost
TFC 14.02.2004 TsK Friendly shutdown2/schtop 0:220 no.. Lost
TFC 10.02.2004 A.T.R. LTFL roasted_l/monkey_l 50:60 no.. Draw
TFC 07.02.2004 TR GTFL roasted_l/openfire_lowgrens 30:100 no.. Lost
TFC 03.02.2004 3S LTFL bases2k3/mortality_l 155:190 no.. Draw
TFC 25.01.2004 UA Friendly ss_nyx_l/exchange_l 15:100 no.. Lost
TFC 20.01.2004 X.G.K LTFL 2fort/openfire_lowgrens 120:60 no.. WON
TFC 13.01.2004 oHo LTFL schtop/shutdown2 100:0 no.. WON
TFC 06.01.2004 lucky Soldiers Friendly of_low/chimk_l 300:160 no.. WON
TFC 05.01.2004 TNG Friendly of_low/Monkey_l 260:10 no.. WON
TFC 09.12.2003 N GTFL 2fort/openfire_lowgrens/cz2 200:380 no.. Lost
TFC 02.12.2003 conc GTFL rock2_rc/openfire_lowgrens 218:95 no.. WON
CS 26.11.2003 H.O.F ESPL cbbl, dust2 47 : 1 no.. WON
TFC 24.11.2003 UTD GTFL stowaway_r, openfire_lowgrens, rock2_rc 50:97 Yes WON
CS 23.11.2003 [S.O.A.] ESPL torn, cbbl 28 : 20 no.. WON
TFC 17.11.2003 AEG Friendly well/2fort 20:230 no.. Lost
CS 12.11.2003 #w.s0cks ESPL cbbl, torn 47 : 1 no.. WON
CS 09.11.2003 [MAGOO] ESPL prod, cbbl 24 : 24 no.. Draw
CS 05.11.2003 RaCon ESPL dust2, cbbl 17 : 14 no.. WON
TFC 25.10.2003 AF GTFL of_low / chimk 90:260 no.. Lost
CS 22.10.2003 brd. ESPL dust2, prod 13 : 7 no.. WON
CS 19.10.2003 [WET] ESPL dust2, inferno 28 : 5 no.. WON
TFC 18.10.2003 FK GTFL of_low/stow 170:140 no.. WON
CS 15.10.2003 2c2d ESPL cbbl, dust2 20 : 28 (-2 Pkt) no.. Lost
CS 12.10.2003 |PM| ESPL de_chateau, dust2 26 : 23 no.. WON
TFC 11.10.2003 TR GTFL stowaway_r, openfire_lowgrens 180:160 no.. WON
CS 05.10.2003 LGL ESPL dust2, torn 26 : 26 no.. Draw
TFC 04.10.2003 GPS GTFL schtop/Openfire_lowgrens 360:40 no.. WON
CS 28.09.2003 ]B-L-G[ ESPL prod, dust2 31 : 10 no.. WON
CS 24.09.2003 [SpecFor] ESPL dust2, cbbl 27 : 2 no.. WON
CS 21.09.2003 [CTH] ESPL dust2, cbbl 22 : 26 no.. Lost
TFC 16.09.2003 lucky Soldiers Friendly Stowaway2/Openfire_lg 290:90 no.. WON
CS 03.09.2003 [-CF-] ESPL 32:10 no.. WON
CS 27.08.2003 [BWD] ESPL 21 : 28 no.. Lost
CS 24.08.2003 [Br@vo] ESPL 13 : 29 no.. Lost
CS 17.08.2003 I=R6=I ESPL dust, dust2 33 : 6 no.. WON
CS 13.08.2003 -=[BFC]=- ESPL dust2, nuke 19 : 16 no.. WON
CS 10.08.2003 [BeGu] ESPL dust2, train 23 : 15 no.. WON
CS 03.08.2003 -MFC- ESPL dust2, inferno 31 : 10 no.. WON
TFC 28.07.2003 FK*SE* Friendly sd2/insurrection 0:20 no.. Lost
CS 27.07.2003 [WET] ESPL dust2, inferno 20 : 20 (+3 Pkt.) no.. Draw
TFC 21.07.2003 ~X~ Friendly of_l / insurrection_l 110:10 no.. WON
TFC 19.07.2003 TR Friendly insurrection_r / of_lowgrens 150:100 no.. WON
CS 13.07.2003 [NCR] ESPL de_dust2, de_dust 20:15 (+8 Pkt.) no.. WON
CS 06.07.2003 mad. ESPL de_dust2, de_dust2 24 : 14 no.. WON
TFC 01.07.2003 D-WALK Friendly chimkey_l/breach_l 180:180 no.. Draw
CS 22.06.2003 [DIO] ESPL cbbl, dust2 7 : 18 no.. Lost
TFC 21.06.2003 e^ GTFL Cup arise/breach_l 80:220 no.. Lost
TFC 16.06.2003 TNG Friendly breach_l/arise 40:40 no.. Draw
TFC 10.06.2003 iQ GTFL Cup hollow/arise 0:70 no.. Lost
TFC 09.06.2003 TNG Friendly stowaway_r/shutdown_l 130:130 no.. Draw
TFC 31.05.2003 WoF Friendly stow_r, chimkey_l 260:60 no.. WON
CS 28.05.2003 [->TLU<-] ESPL inferno, dust2 26 : 7 no.. WON
TFC 26.05.2003 -=)SF(=- GTFL Cup arise, breach_l,enclave 206:169 no.. WON
CS 11.05.2003 Shorthandle |NGC| ESPL inferno, dust2 10 : 27 no.. Lost
CS 07.05.2003 [DDB] ESPL torn, dust2 32 : 11 no.. Lost
TFC 21.04.2003 TaM Friendly well/chimkey_l 80:150 no.. Lost
TFC 15.04.2003 ~X~ Friendly hollow/zutalors 220:180 no.. WON
TFC 14.04.2003 BHC Friendly roasted_l/mortality_l 70:40 no.. WON
TFC 09.04.2003 BHLG Friendly shutdown2/chimkey_l 270:10 no.. WON
CS 06.04.2003 [DaAv] ESPL dust2, torn 5 : 28 no.. Lost
TFC 05.04.2003 DNS Friendly chimkey_l/shutdown2 360:90 no.. WON
CS 02.04.2003 The-Nightmare-Warriors ESPL de_dust de_dust2 27:9 no.. WON
TFC 02.04.2003 TNG Friendly openfire_l/stowaway_r 190:160 no.. WON
TFC 01.04.2003 D-WALK Friendly roasted_l/chimkey_l 150:90 no.. WON
CS 31.03.2003 LEGION OF DARKSIDE ESPL de_dust de_dust2 45:4 no.. WON
TFC 31.03.2003 pS GGTFCL monkey_l/roasted_l 70:180 no.. Lost
TFC 17.03.2003 BA Friendly shutdown2 140:30 no.. WON
TFC 15.03.2003 ALK GTFL well/chimkey_l 180:140 no.. WON
TFC 11.03.2003 TEG GTFL chimkey_l/shutdown2 110:180 no.. Lost
TFC 10.03.2003 TEG GTFL cz2/stowaway_r 170:121 no.. WON
TFC 08.03.2003 TR GGTFCL stowaway_r/chimkey_l 170:170 no.. Draw
TFC 04.03.2003 TEG GTFL 2fort/roasted_l 10:100 no.. Lost
TFC 03.03.2003 WoZ Friendly bam/stowaway_r 150:130 no.. WON
TFC 18.02.2003 HA Friendly shutdown2/chimkey_l/2fort 80:320 no.. Lost
TFC 10.02.2003 gR GGTFCL 2fort/shutdown2 30:100 no.. Lost
TFC 10.02.2003 ALK GTFL cz2/stowaway_r 192:116 no.. WON
TFC 08.02.2003 ALK GTFL roasted_l/2fort 210:60 no.. WON
TFC 03.02.2003 TaM GGTFCL 2fort/chimkey_l 160:150 no.. WON
CS 30.01.2003 Tactical Terror Organisation ESPL de_dust2 de_inferno 32:8 no.. WON
TFC 27.01.2003 UTD GGTFCL 2fort/bases_r2 135:205 no.. Lost
TFC 20.01.2003 OTAKU Friendly 2fort/openfire_l 120:190 no.. Lost
CS 15.01.2003 e.sports.forces ESPL de_dust2 de_prodigy 7:6 no.. WON
TFC 14.01.2003 K-A Friendly chimkey_l/stowaway_r 120:460 no.. Lost
TFC 13.01.2003 ALK Friendly roasted_l/stowaway_r 240:40 no.. WON
CS 12.01.2003 Stalking Fun Troopers ESPL de_dust2 de_vegas 25:18 no.. WON
TFC 06.01.2003 Mystery GTFL chimkey_l/monkey_l 0:140 no.. Lost
TFC 04.01.2003 IQ GTFL chimkey_l/openfire_l 30:160 no.. Lost
TFC 31.12.2002 OTAKU Friendly xmaswell3/shutdown2 0:140 no.. Lost
TFC 21.12.2002 ~X~ GTFL chimkey_l/stowaway_l 265:170 no.. WON
TFC 18.12.2002 pS GTFL stowaway_r/chimkey_l 100:110 no.. Lost
CS 15.12.2002 TEE ESPL de_dust2 de_dust2 27:8 no.. WON
TFC 11.12.2002 H2K Friendly shutdown2/bases_r2 55:90 no.. Lost
TFC 10.12.2002 LOL GTFL monkey_l/chimkey_l 120:130 no.. Lost
TFC 09.12.2002 ~X~ League stowaway_r/openfire_l 190:120 no.. WON
TFC 04.12.2002 TTL League shutdown2 0:80 no.. Lost
TFC 04.12.2002 SEG League roasted_l 10:0 no.. WON
TFC 04.12.2002 Mystery League chimkey_l 60:60 no.. Draw
TFC 03.12.2002 sci GTFL monkey_l/chimkey_l 60:250 no.. Lost
CS 01.12.2002 Corbach meets Hogo ESPL de_dust de_vegas 23:2 no.. WON
TFC 19.11.2002 SEG GTFL roasted_l/stowaway_r 0:50 no.. Lost
TFC 18.11.2002 SPI ESPL stowaway_r/well 280:30 no.. WON
TFC 16.11.2002 UTD GTFL stowaway_r - chimkey_l 60:230 no.. Lost
TFC 12.11.2002 GTL GGTFCL stow/mortality 200:0 no.. WON
TFC 06.11.2002 BoD GTFL bases_r2/stowaway_r 150:190 no.. Lost
TFC 04.11.2002 conc Friendly roasted_l/shutdown2(hust) 30:40 no.. Lost
TFC 22.10.2002 NAIN Friendly stowaway_r/mortality_l 240:60 no.. WON
TFC 09.09.2002 TTL Friendly mortality_l/stowaway_l 10:210 no.. Lost
CS 06.09.2002 We only Win ESPL de_dust de_dust2 24:05 no.. WON
CS 28.08.2002 One look One kill ESPL de_inferno de_dust 16:18 no.. Lost
CS 25.08.2002 Peace Armada ESPL de_dust de_dust 21:04 no.. WON
CS 18.08.2002 Sero Headquarters ESPL de_dust de_train 28:8 no.. WON
CS 14.08.2002 CON Friendly de_dust de_aztec 25:10 no.. WON
CS 11.08.2002 BoB Friendly de_dust de_dust2 16:14 no.. WON
CS 10.08.2002 FoS ESPL de_dust de_inferno 39:3 no.. WON
CS 04.08.2002 SoD Friendly de_dust de_prodigy 23:13 no.. WON
TFC 16.07.2002 NF Friendly monkey_l / stow_l 40:210 Yes Lost
CS 07.07.2002 e.Mafia ESPL de_dust de_dust2 23:18 no.. WON
TFC 25.06.2002 BOD GTFL monkey_l; openfire_l 80 : 190 no.. Lost
TFC 18.06.2002 BOD GTFL stowaway_l ; cz2 85 : 140 no.. Lost
TFC 17.06.2002 BOD GTFL 2fort; well 0 : 20 no.. Lost
TFC 10.06.2002 -187- Friendly 2fort; shutdown_l 50 : 120 no.. Lost
TFC 04.06.2002 UTD GTFL shutdown_l; openfire_l 140 : 70 no.. WON
CS 29.05.2002 impregnable fortress ESPL de_dust de_cbbl 23:4 no.. WON
TFC 28.05.2002 UTD GTFL cz2; stowaway_l 85 : 115 no.. Lost
TFC 27.05.2002 UTD GTFL 2fort; well 110 : 10 no.. WON
CS 21.05.2002 ~X~ ESPL de_dust ; de_dust2 32 : 12 no.. WON
TFC 20.05.2002 CTL Friendly crossover2; stowaway_l 360 : 50 no.. WON
TFC 14.05.2002 SG1 Friendly openfire_l; stowaway_l 0 : 110 no.. Lost
TFC 07.05.2002 ALK GTFL stowaway_l ; well 100 : 70 no.. WON
CS 28.04.2002 SKO Friendly de_dust de_dust2 27:9 no.. WON
TFC 23.04.2002 BORG Friendly well/stow_l 150:90 no.. WON
CS 21.04.2002 Incredible ESPL de_dust de_nuke 17:12 no.. WON
TFC 16.04.2002 ~X~ ESPL stowaway_l ; bases_r2 255 : 10 no.. WON
TFC 15.04.2002 EMC GTFL 2fort; stowaway_l 40 : 130 no.. Lost
CS 14.04.2002 ICC ESPL DE_dust de_dust2 31/9 no.. WON
TFC 06.04.2002 rX GTFL 2fort; stowaway_l 50:130 no.. Lost
TFC 02.04.2002 MF GTFL 2fort; stowaway_l 70:100 no.. Lost
TFC 26.03.2002 simply IQ GTFL stowaway_l; openfire_l 50:110 no.. Lost
TFC 25.03.2002 rX ESPL 2fort; openfire_l 40:220 no.. Lost
TFC 23.03.2002 SG1 Friendly stowaway_l; openfire_l 0 : 150 no.. Lost
CS 23.03.2002 National Elite Force ESPL de_dust de_dust 14:20 no.. Lost
TFC 18.03.2002 MTF GTFL stowaway_l ; cz2 80:125 no.. Lost
TFC 17.03.2002 NVA ESPL openfire_l; stowaway_l 20:110 no.. Lost
TFC 16.03.2002 DARK ESPL stowaway_l ; stowaway_l 10:70 no.. Lost
TFC 04.03.2002 HA GTFL openfire_l; stowaway_l 10:130 no.. Lost
TFC 03.03.2002 Mdc/ALK/zgh Friendly murderball 90:106:56:32 no.. WON
TFC 27.02.2002 bts Friendly stowaway_l/mortality_l 0:90 no.. Lost
TFC 24.02.2002 AF GTFL monkey_l; stowaway_l 130:160 no.. Lost
TFC 19.02.2002 K-Attack GTFL well; stowaway_l 0:30 no.. Lost
TFC 18.02.2002 TEG GTFL 2fort/stow_l 50:20 no.. WON
TFC 05.02.2002 SEG GTFL stowaway_l/openfire_l 80:20 no.. WON
TFC 26.01.2002 [~X~] Friendly mortality_l/rock2 20:25 no.. Lost
TFC 22.12.2001 MDC GTFL Cup ceasefire badlands 0:60 | Defwin no.. Lost
CS 18.11.2001 Lifeleech ESPL de_dust/de_inferno 56:19 Yes WON
TFC 17.11.2001 GTB GTFL 2fort/bases_r2 205:0 no.. WON
TFC 15.10.2001 BA GTFL bases_r2/openfire_l 80:0/170:90 no.. WON
TFC 02.10.2001 EMC GTFL 2fort/shutdown_l 30:50/40:80 no.. Lost
TFC 01.10.2001 A2K GTFL 2fort/defwin 150:0/30:0 no.. WON
TFC 04.09.2001 SEFC GTFL 2fort/monkey_l 380:150 no.. WON
CS 02.09.2001 PCX ESPL de_inferno/de_nuke 59:16 no.. Lost
CS 24.07.2001 FoD ESPL de_nuke/de_dust 31:69 Yes Lost
CS 22.07.2001 CH3 ab18.org de_inferno/de_dust 100 no.. WON
CS 05.07.2001 [FNT] ab18.org de_inferno/de_dust 48:38 no.. WON
CS 27.06.2001 Master2K ESPL de_aztec/de_dust 5:17/12:11 no.. Lost
TFC 13.06.2001 dark Friendly bases_r2/openfire 30:55 no.. Lost
TFC 05.06.2001 FK Friendly well/openfire 20:180 no.. Lost
TFC 03.06.2001 S@W Friendly openfire/cz2 90:460 no.. Lost
TFC 26.05.2001 Mdc Friendly openfire/well 70:80 no.. Lost
TFC 19.05.2001 FI98 GTFL 2fort/well 60:150 no.. Lost
TFC 17.05.2001 GA Friendly 2fort/well 260:0 no.. WON
TFC 10.05.2001 ALK GTFL badlands/2fort 10:50 no.. Lost
TFC 02.05.2001 K-Attack GTFL well/2fort 10:90 no.. Lost
TFC 11.04.2001 NoW GTFL well/openfire 60:80 no.. Lost
TFC 10.04.2001 BTS GTFL shutdown2/openfire 80:0 no.. WON
CS 25.03.2001 VBA Friendly cs_italy/de_cbble 19:33 no.. Lost
CS 21.03.2001 CoB Friendly cs_italy/de_dust 47:14 no.. WON
TFC 20.03.2001 FI98 Friendly monkey_l/cz2 114:250 no.. Lost
TFC 14.03.2001 TEG GTFL 2fort/ofire 60:220 Yes Lost
TFC 05.03.2001 SG1 GTFL openfire/shutdown2 90:30 Yes WON
CS 05.03.2001 DISC Friendly de_prodigy/de_aztec 25:23 no.. WON
TFC 27.02.2001 SEG Friendly monkey_l/openfire 60:50 no.. WON
CS 17.02.2001 DEF Friendly cs_siege/de_prodigy 12:38 no.. Lost
CS 14.02.2001 SEE Friendly cs_italy/de_dust 40:7 no.. WON
TFC 03.02.2001 BW Friendly sd2/openfire 160:20 no.. WON
CS 18.01.2001 rusher Friendly cs_italy/de_aztec 30:16 Yes WON
TFC 16.01.2001 TTL Friendly 2fort/sd2 20:80 no.. Lost
TFC 09.01.2001 TTF Friendly 2fort/rock2 50:15 Yes WON
TFC 07.01.2001 dark Friendly openfire/sd2 70:30 Yes WON
CS 20.12.2000 NarCS Friendly de_dust/cs_italy 14:42 no.. Lost
TFC 13.12.2000 SoB GTFL 2fort 40:70 Yes Lost
TFC 12.12.2000 SFC GTFL 2fort 280:10 Yes WON
CS 05.12.2000 CF Friendly cs_italy/de_nuke 18:46 no.. Lost
TFC 30.11.2000 SG1 GTFL 2fort 10:0 Yes WON
CS 29.11.2000 LoT Friendly cs_italy/de_aztec 35:18 no.. WON
CS 27.11.2000 DRI Friendly cs_italy/de_nuke 43:9 no.. WON
TFC 21.11.2000 KI GTFL 2fort/well 80:90 Yes Lost
TFC 16.11.2000 MoE GTFL 2fort 60:0 Yes WON
CS 12.11.2000 DRI Friendly de_dust/de_aztec 47:10 Yes WON
TFC 12.11.2000 LDC GTFL 2fort 140:0 Yes WON
TFC 08.11.2000 IT GTFL 2fort 10:90 Yes Lost
TFC 31.10.2000 gboc GTFL openfire 80:160 Yes Lost
TFC 25.10.2000 zZz GTFL sd2/openfire 130:40 Yes WON
TFC 18.10.2000 FoD GTFL cz2 310:260 Yes WON
TFC 11.10.2000 DTA GTFL 2fort/well 110:40 Yes WON
TFC 08.10.2000 CDG GTFL 2fort 30:10 Yes WON
TFC 04.10.2000 NF GTFL 2fort/well 20:150 Yes Lost
TFC 27.09.2000 V.I.P GTFL 2fort 60:10 Yes WON
TFC 20.09.2000 TTL GTFL 2fort 0:10 Yes Lost
TFC 13.09.2000 TTF GTFL 2fort 140:10 Yes WON
TFC 09.09.2000 BK Friendly 2fort/cz2 624:50 Yes WON
TFC 05.09.2000 TaM GTFL well 100:90 Yes WON
TFC 15.08.2000 BAD EuroIGL Bam 0:10 Yes Lost
TFC 02.08.2000 BS EuroIGL cz2 206:339 Yes Lost
TFC 14.07.2000 DoP League 2fort 0:10 Yes Lost
TFC 04.07.2000 NLS EuroIGL well 20:80 no.. Lost
TFC 20.06.2000 GEC EuroIGL Shutdown2 110:200 no.. Lost
CS 07.06.2000 TDF League ? 25:10 no.. WON
TFC 02.06.2000 NLS EuroIGL 2fort 0:170 no.. Lost
TFC 20.05.2000 BS EuroIGL ? 0:130 no.. Lost
TFC 10.05.2000 TEG EuroIGL 2fort 40:300 no.. Lost
TFC 02.05.2000 SoB League well/well 50:220 no.. Lost
TFC 19.04.2000 SEG EuroIGL rock2 30:15 no.. WON
TFC 24.03.2000 TEG League 2fort/defloss 0:90 no.. Lost
TFC 18.03.2000 GEC EuroIGL BAM 0:40 no.. Lost
TFC 02.03.2000 AEG EuroIGL Shutdown2 160:140 Yes WON
TFC 26.02.2000 BAD EuroIGL well 90:120 Yes Lost
TFC 29.01.2000 AEG Friendly 2fort/rock2 105:205 no.. Lost
TFC 12.01.2000 HF Friendly 2fort/well 30:190 no.. Lost
TFC 07.12.1999 BHC League ?/? 100:280 no.. Lost
TFC 04.12.1999 EFF League well/2fort 20:60 no.. Lost
TFC 30.11.1999 LP IGL 2fort/well 40:80 Yes Lost
TFC 27.11.1999 C4 IGL 2fort/rock2 115:0 no.. WON
TFC 23.11.1999 VC Friendly bam/well 0:210 no.. Lost
TFC 02.10.1999 VC DTFCL cz2/2fort 80:275 Yes Lost
TFC 28.09.1999 DO Friendly well/rock2 45:30 Yes WON
TFC 22.09.1999 EFF DTFCL well/rock2 65:100 no.. Lost
TFC 15.09.1999 BMW DTFCL well 30:60 Yes Lost
TFC 06.09.1999 C4 DTFCL well 80:10 Yes WON
TFC 17.07.1999 ERA IGL cz2 119:402 no.. Lost
TFC 25.06.1999 HF League ?/? 10:200 no.. Lost
TFC 19.06.1999 C4 IGL well 80:30 no.. WON
TFC 01.06.1999 HA IGL 2fort 10:110 no.. Lost
TFC 25.05.1999 GoE IGL well/2fort 0:50 no.. Lost

most old results has been lost during the reconstruction of this page...
